Thanks for your updates- role model and inspirer!

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The US Social Security Administration says 2035 for me, almost certainly too low based on income and health, but probably not 2050. Still, these are pretty good priorities for me, too.

Howeve,r some me some quibbles:

I hold some considerable hope for efficient carbon capture and sequestration powered by near zero marginal cost power from solar/wind/geothermal or nuclear that would prevent needing to tax the last niche of fossil fuel use down to zero.

Poverty and development: Total agreement to which I’d add this will be a lot easier and maybe impossible without higher pc growth rates in “developed” countries.

More control of hours yes. I wonder if moving some of “retirement” leisure days and youth education days into the “working years” is not better than rearranging the work week.

UBI is OK, but at least as a halfway house just a much more generous EITC

Adjustment to lower birthrates and longer lives, yes. And I can’t resist saying in my book this implies more progressive consumption taxes and less income/wage taxes.

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Love your work - and your commitment even more. Thanks

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