With one thing and another, I didn’t get a newsletter out in March, so this will be a double issue!
I spent much of February working on the theory of choice under uncertainty, for papers I plan to present in Europe in July (my first trip outside Australia since the beginning of the pandemic). Most of my work on this topic is abstruse maths, but this piece on Seven Types of Ambiguity is aimed at a more literate audience.
After finishing those papers, I turned my attention to opinion pieces
I’ve also been making more submissions to public inquiries, working a lot with Flavio Menezes. We’ve made submissions on competition policy and critical minerals.
On the sporting front, my next big event will be the MS Brissie to the Bay ride, 130km to raise funds for multiple sclerosis support and research. You can sponsor me here
I said in my February newsletter “I’m preparing for the Mooloolaba Olympic triathlon in March, but not pushing too hard. People always say “I just want to finish” but this time it’s true.”
That’s how it turned out. I did OK on swim and cycle, but heat on the “run” leg reduced me to a combination of walking and jogging. But, I got there in the end, with lots of encouragement from fellow triathletes.
Damning report exposes Adani’s corporate cons, 2023, Independent Australia 1 February, .
Australia’s banks are not a source of economic dynamism but a drag on our economic and social welfare. The Guardian 15 Feb 2023 .
Forget the cries of socialism and class warfare, super is no longer politically untouchable. The Guardian 1 March, 2023
Quiggin, J. (2023) Have we reached electricity’s carbon-free tipping point? Inside Story 9 March,
‘Red Alert’ is a paper tiger. Independent Australia 10 March, 2023.
Dominic Perrottet’s future fund contains the seed of a good idea but his version is an inequitable mess. The Guardian 14 March, 2023 .
Quiggin, J. (2023) $18 million a job? The AUKUS subs plan will cost Australia way more than that. .
Neoliberalism’s child. Inside Story 20 March, 2023 .
Quiggin, J. (2023) Opening the Overton Window. Independent Australia 24 March, .
Quiggin, J. Climate change, ironically, reduces the heat in the South China Sea. Łowy Interpreter 30 March, .
Link to "Forget the cries of socialism and class warfare, super is no longer politically untouchable. The Guardian 1 March, 2023" is broken. Here is one that works:
The abstract in your 7 types of ambiguity paper repeats the first sentence.